Eligibility Criteria

We maintain a regular supply of all blood types to ensure the right blood is available to everyone who needs it. We need enough of the right types of blood to meet day-to-day patient needs and to cope with emergencies.

To do this we consider:

  • Age:Students must be at least 18 years old to donate blood.
  • Weight:Donors must weigh at least 50 kg (110 lbs) to ensure they can safely donate blood without any adverse effects.
  • Health Status:Students should be in good general health, free from any active infections, and not currently taking antibiotics or other medications that might affect their eligibility.
  • Recent Tattoos or Piercings:If you’ve had a tattoo or piercing in the last 6 months, you may need to wait before donating, depending on the regulations in your area.
  • Travel History:Students who have recently traveled to certain countries or regions with high risk for malaria or other infectious diseases may be deferred from donating for a period.
  • Iron Levels:Ensure you have healthy iron levels; low hemoglobin or anemia might temporarily disqualify you from donating.
  • Alcohol and Substance Use:Avoid alcohol and certain recreational substances for at least 24 hours before donating to ensure safe blood donation.
  • Pregnancy:Female students who are pregnant or have recently given birth may need to wait before donating blood.
  • Recent Illnesses or Vaccinations:If you’ve had a cold, flu, or certain vaccinations, you might need to wait for a few weeks before donating.
  • Class and Exam Schedules:Consider donating at a time when you can rest afterward, especially around exams or heavy class loads, to ensure your well-being.